Etihad inflight magazine article.
"Design for life"

Issue November 2007, Page 102
See pdf article
  ALIAS, a supplement issue in the italian "Il Manfesto" talks about "DESIGN for the other 90%"
Issue September 2007, Page 6-7
See jpg article


Special Issue of italian domus magazine about water, July/August 2007 : See article at page 102 as PDF

Special Issue of french ekwo magazine about "best of sustainable development" 2007 : See article at page 61 as PDF


Architecture for Humanity, Design Like You Give a Damn is a compendium of innovative projects from around the world that demonstrate the power of design to improve lives. The Watercone® is discribed on page 285. See article.


TECNO, is a Spanish car magazine with focus on technology. The Spanish article can be downloaded (Pages as PDF)


Vom Geistesblitz zum großen Geld

SPIEGEL TV THEMA: Freitag, 07. Oktober, 22.30 - 00.35 Uhr, VOX

"Eine gute Idee - und schon klingelt es in der Kasse. So der Traum vieler Jungunternehmer. Doch hinter erfolgreichen Erfindungen und genialen Geschäftsmodellen liegt oft ein harter Weg"
See Qicktime Movie 15 MB to download

Quicktime 7 required to download here


WorldChanging, with foreward by Al Gore has been published on November 1st 2006
On page 193 and 194 the Watercone is featured: (Pages as PDF)
" The best- yet solar water purifieris the Watercone, a solar still that uses the sun`` heat to evaporate water, which then condenses on the inside of the cone - flip the funnel-like cone over and you can pour the water right into a container. This cheap, rugged system can purify about 1,6quarts (1.5 liters) of water per day, not only killing all waterborne pathogens but also removing particulates, many chemicals, and heavy metals. Better yet, it can also desalinate seawater- an important function for the world`s sizable coastal populations. JJF"

See Internet site with article


PM Magazine Germany, Issue August, 2005, page 34.
Wissenschaft (Research)
"Pfiffige Wasseraufbereitung. Keimfrei ohne Chemie"
See article here.

From June 29th 2005 - October 17th 2005 the Centre Pompidu in Paris will exhibit the Watercone® in the exhibition D-DAY, modern-day design
View catalogue pages here as PDF file.


Bayern2 Radio Orange Germany, March 26th, 2005
"...Geniale Idee..."
Listen to interview MP3 13MB.


New Edition by Alastair Fuad-Luke, April 2005, Page 271 published by Thames & Hudson

See article.


Design Report Germany, Issue 03/2005, Page 38
"Thema Entwicklungshilfe. Wasser für die Welt"
See article here.


Sueddeutsche Zeitung Germany, Issue March 04th, 2005
Wissenschaftsteil (Research)
"Zu schön für diese Welt"
See article here.


MEED Middle East Economic Digest wrote about the Watercone® in its Vol48 No35 issue from 27 August 2004. The Magazine contained a Special Report about Water and the Watercone® was featured in the chapter:"Desalination:Fresh Ideas" on page 33.

See page with article


e.velop, the online magazine of the German Government, reports about the Watercone® receiving the "Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany", September 10th, 2004
"Trinkwassererzeuger "Watercone": Ehrung bei höchster deutscher Design-Preisverleihung"
Link to online article
or view PDF file


Trinkwassergewinnung einmal anders.
Berlin based school book company featured the Watercone in a geman science teaching book for children in the age of 10-12 years on pager 135

See page with article


"The Watercone has been awarded an Honorable Mention in the Consumer Products category of this year's Annual Design Review 2004"
ID Magazine
International Design Magazine, USA, will be published in I.D. ' s August 2004 issue.

See article click here


Aid & Trade was an international fair for emergency products, held in January 28-29, 2004 in Geneva, Switzerland.

In the review catalogue Mr. Kronberger member at the European Parliament wrote an interesting article about the importance of desalination and the pioneering example of the Watercone®.

See page with article


Le Temps Geneve
During the Aid and Trade Fair in Geneva (
January 28-29 th 2004) the daily "Le Temps" reported about the fair but also about the new Watercone® beeing presented to the potential customers.

See page with article


"Innovation- Distillation to go"
ID Magazine
International Design Magazine, USA, Issue November 2003, Page 91
See ID Magazine article


"Drinkwater uit zee"

De Ingenieur Netherland Engineering Magazine, Issue 15 August 2003, Page 34

See De Ingenier article


German MDR TV-Station reports about the "genius" Watercone

The program "Einfach genial" was broadcasted on August 26th, 2003

Download the broadcasted TV-Report video
Quicktimeplayer required to play MP4

Small MP4 Movie 2,2MB
Large MP4 Movie 6,3MB
Small Quicktime Movie 2,6 MB

Download the MDR website as PDF


"Bright Idea"
The private US TV-Station Planet Vox brought a report about the Watercone in fall 2003.

Clickhere to see or download the movie (21 MB)


The Washington Post By Linda Hales Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, June 28, 2003; Page C02
"...But those fun feats pale beside another innovation, called the Watercone...."
See Online article here
Download Online article as PDF
Download printed article as JPG


Sponsored by Businessweek the results of this years IDEA Design Award organized by the IDSA, one of the most important Design Competitions for Industrial Products in the world, where published in the 07 July issue and in the Internet.
The Watercone® received the Gold Award in the Consumer Products category.
Go to Businessweek article

Download article as PDF file
Go to IDSA article

FORM Zeitschrift fuer Gestaltung, Germany, Issue No.189, 3/2003 May, 2003, Page 92, Toolbox
"Trinkwasser im Handumdrehen, Drinking Water in a Jiffy"
See article here.

e.velop, the online magazine of the German Government, reports about the Watercone®, June 6th, 2003
"Geniale Umwelttechnologie schafft frisches Trinkwasser- Von der Idee zur Realisierung"
Link to online article


Abendzeitung Muenchen Germany, Issue April 4th, 2003, Page 4
"So hilft ein Muenchner im Irak"
See article here.
  BMW Group Zeiung Munich, Germany, April 2003, Page 14
"Erfindung für sauberes Wasser"
See article here.


Radio Singapore International, "Frontiers" Broadcasted on March 24th,2003
"Solving the gloabal drinking water problem with the Watercone"
Hear Interview, MP3 File, 2,8MB

  Today, Newspaper from Singapore, March 24th
"Your mobile water generator"
See article here.


Sueddeutsche Zeitung Germany, Issue March 18th, 2003
Wissenschaftsteil (Research)
See article here.
  General Anzeiger Bonn, Germany, Issue March 20th, 2003
"Der Treibhauseffekt laesst Trinkwasser fliessen"
See article here.

Bild Zeitung Koeln, Germany, Issue March 17th, 2003
Page 5
"Ein Wasserkegel gegen das Verdursten"
See article
  FOCUS Newsmagazine Germany, Issue 12, March 17th, 2003, Technology Perspektiven, Page 121
"Wasserentsalzung durch Sonnenkraft"
See article



BMW Group Media Information 13 March 2003

"WATERCONE against the Global Drinking Water Problem. Tested in the Wind Tunnel:
BMW Designer Implements Principle for the Generation of Drinking Water"

For more information please contact:
BMW Group Press department: Jochen Mueller
Phone: +49-(0)89-382-68778

Or register and download online under:


Bayer AG Media Information 17 March 2003

"Design-Oscar" für einen Lebensretter"

For more information please contact:
Bayer AG Press department: Ralph Esper
Phone: +49-(0)214-3071099

© 2018   International Patents, "Watercone" an international registered trademark.